Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do You See It?

Hello Families!

We had many lively discussions today.  Sometimes the children amaze me when it's a Monday and they are on fire with fabulous ideas!

We also went on a walk in our building area to get a little excersize before lunch.  We ended up looking for quite a while at some birds.  Thyra noticed a dove in the leafless maple trees.  We stopped and watched- it was hard to find at first!  The feathers and the branches seemed to be the same color.
Friends were wondering what the bird was doing in the tree, and why it was staying there and staying so still.  Is it sleeping?  Is it going to make a nest there?  As we watched it, some smaller birds came and they landed on the small pokey pods and balanced there swinging and picking at the pods.  This was really neat to watch.

Sometimes the power of an ordinary moment inspires so much.  We could have kept walking when Thyra pointed out the dove, but watching, commenting and formulating possibilities and questions allowed us to have a sweet and special experience.  Some friends said they want to keep investigating and to see if the dove is still there after school.  Did anyone check? 

We will look into this more as our interest deepens.  As a teacher I wonder what interests them the most.  Our further discussions will help me see.  And if you speak at home with your kids, will you please email if any clear thread comes from this?

Thank you, Jennifer

PS the server is rejecting my photos for some reason.  It has been finicky before and then passed.  Meanwhile I will post this without the images.  Ug.  Please stop by tomorrow morning and I will have a slide show running outside of our classroom!  I will include the dove and our lemonade making images!



  1. We checked after school and the dove was gone. Henry thought that maybe the puppy scared it away :)

  2. oh, that was thoroughly thought out! I wonder if it will be back. Thanks for letting us know, and for checking! :)
