Saturday, October 23, 2010

Muffin Party Preparations Are Coming Along...

Hello Families!

This week was a fun one, as usual, and we are getting ready for the exciting Muffin Party.  We have four committees that are working on different elements of the party.  Here are the groups:

The sign committee met to begin the two signs the children want up.  They would like these signs to say, "Welcome to the Muffin Party!"  It is one thing to be getting good at writing, it is another thing to be able to write big on a sign!  These children were able to do this!  And the group also had a great discussion to work out the design on of the signs, deciding which decorative elements to use and where to put them for the best effect, and to keep readability.

The Sign-up Committee met and created the sign ups for the taste test portion of the party.  This was so neat because each of the friends' budding inventive spelling skills were shining!  The friends are beginning to be able to identify which letter connects to which sound, and then to draw the shape of these symbols in a way that we can easily read it.  This group's meeting was an excited and productive time. I was pleasantly surprised to see how fast the children whipped out their great sign up!  Here it is!

So far many families have signed up, but we do have three more flavors that need to be baked: carrot, blueberry and pudding.  The friends will be doing a taste test with this, so if you make 6-12regular sized muffins, that should be enough.  They had originally had 13 different flavours they wanted to taste, but we realized that might be a lot!  The friends decided to hone this down to 8 flavours and we used a voting graph to help us deduce which ones we are most interested in tasting at this time. 

The games are also almost ready.  We did a practice run of "Bear, Bear, where's your muffin?" on Friday in the fort that Gaby and I made to spice up our afternoon.  It was a big hit, as was the game, which went smoothly!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend!  More soon, Jennifer

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